Results and podiums

Results Red Bull Rampage (14-10-2016)

Red Bull Rampage
  1. Brandon Semenuk 84.33 pts
  2. Antoine Bizet 81.00 pts
  3. Carson Storch 79.00 pts
  4. Kurt Sorge 78.66 pts
  5. Kyle Strait 78.33 pts
  6. Thomas Genon 77.66 pts
  7. Tyler McCaul 76.00 pts
  8. Andreu Lacondeguy 75.33 pts
  9. Pierre Edouard Ferry 74.33 pts
  10. Tom Van Steenbergen 73.33 pts
  11. Darren Berrecloth 70.66 pts
  12. Remy Metailler 66.33 pts
  13. Kyle Norbraten 62.66 pts
  14. James Doerfling 60.33 pts
  15. Brett Rheeder 54.00 pts
  16. Graham Agassiz 50.66 pts
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