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Piotrek Jurczak - Dropping in on Drop Bars

We have known Piotrek Jurczak for years since he was a dirt and park whipping rascal. Now Piotrek works with us in NS (it’s been 7 years since he started!) and rides mostly enduro on a daily basis, despite being a 24" addict back in the days. He used to make fun of road, cross bikes and such, so he was rather confused when we started working on the RAG+ , our new off-road, big wheeled, drop bar freak. It wasn’t easy to convince him to try the RAG+ out, but we eventually managed to do so. Sure, he didn’t wear lycra for that occasion, and used it - as always - the hardcore way. Jumps, whips, street riding and even “not-so-legal” commuting - both Piotrek and the RAG+ felt at home! Yes, you can easily find bikes that will do each thing better, easier or faster. But it’s not always about being best. When you're riding a bike, the fun is at first place. And doing something completely new gives a hell lot of it! Video: HighStory.pl

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