Filip Polc win again at Valparaiso

Two weeks after his victory at Santos, Filip Polc won the second round of the City Downhill World Tour in Valparaiso's streets.
Mick Hannah (see below onboard camera) finished in fourth position, while he had the fastest time in qualifying. As the winner of last year, Marcelo Gutierrez, points in second position, just over a second after Polc.

Podium et Valparaiso

  1. Filip Polc
  2. Marcelo Gutierrez
  3. Tomas Slavik
  4. Mick Hannah
  5. Bernardo Neves Cruz
  6. Johannes Fischbach
  7. Guillaume Cauvin
  8. Mark Wallace
  9. Cameron Cole
  10. Rémi Thirion
Mick Hannah onboard camera on the stairs and Wall ride ... Awesome!
Filip Polc's face plant...
by Lionel Morillon | News » Racing | 1509 views Source
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